Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Barcelona News

Fewer thefts on Barcelona metro

Thefts dropped by 19 per cent between July 2011 and July 2012 on the Barcelona metro. The decrease is thought to be because of extra police patrols at station intersections, on platforms and directly...
Barcelona News

Barcelona tightens rules against prostitution

Barcelona is tightening up on prostitution by banning soliciting on the streets. From the first of August soliciting in public will be banned and sex workers who refuse to move will be fined €...
Barcelona News

New purge on Barcelona prostitutes

The police have launched a new crackdown on prostitution in the Raval district of Barcelona and the central tourist thoroughfare La Rambla de Barcelona. The move is a collaboration between three polic...
Barcelona News

New unisex prison for Barcelona

The Catalan government has authorized the building of a new prison in Barcelona
Barcelona News

Barcelona crime figures

Arrests by Barcelona
Barcelona News

Pickpockets in Barcelona

Travellers are more likely to be pickpocketed in Barcelona than in any other city in the world, according to US travel website Tripadvisor. Using data from its own editors and contributors, the site r...
Barcelona News

CCTV to combat Barcelona crime

The Barcelona areas of Raval and G
Barcelona News

Fake euro notes found on Italian

Police in Barcelona have arrested a 22-year old Italian resident, found with
Barcelona News

Cocaine gateway to Europe

After a tip-off from their Venezuelan colleagues Spanish police have arrested a 35-year-old man in Barcelona who had received a parcel of crockery made from compressed cocaine. Tests showed that the 4...
Barcelona News

Barcelona expands local policing.

Neighbourhood policing by Gu
Barcelona News

Barcelona police: More police in Barcelona.

107 extra agents of the Guardia Urbana municipal police are now patrolling the barrios of Cuitat Vella, Sants-Montju
Barcelona News

Vigilantes used to evacuate tenants in Barcelona.

Frustrated by the inertia of the legal system, some Barcelona landlords are using vigilantes to oust unwanted tenants according to a report by national police investigators. Paid between


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