Thu, 27 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Berlin News

German nudist chases laptop-stealing wild boar

Wild boar stole laptop from naked sunbather at Berlin lake. A dramatic chase involving a nudist bather and a wild boar that stole his laptop near a Berlin lake was captured by a photographer who said...
Berlin News

Berlin displays Europe's first T-Rex skeleton

Europe's first complete T-Rex skeleton at Berlin's Natural History Museum. The first complete and original Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to be constructed in Europe has gone on public display at Berli...
Berlin News

Berlin to tax visiting dogs

Tourists to Berlin who are accompanied by their dogs will have to pay an added sum on their hotel bills. From the beginning of 2014 visitors to Berlin are paying a five per cent hotel tax on top of...
Berlin News

Berlin wins rights to Knut the Polar Bear

The Berlin Zoo has won its battle to keep the rights to the name Knut, the popular polar bear it bred in captivity until it unexpectedly died in 2011. The name generates a large income for the Berl...
Berlin News

Berlin’s town pigeons on the decrease

The number of town pigeons in Berlin is estimated to have fallen to 10,000 from 30,000 in 2001 according to a report from the nature protection association Nabu, one of largest in Germany. Part of...
Berlin News

Polar bear in custody battle

The recent custody battle being fought over Berlin Zoo
Berlin News

Woman mauled by polar bear.

A 32-year-old German woman is recovering in hospital after being mauled by a polar bear at Berlin Zoo. The woman was bitten on her arms and legs after jumping into an enclosure housing four adult pol...


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