Sat, 22 February 2025
Europe's news in English
Berlin What's on

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa

Our readers what's on: Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa "The Future of the Millennium Development Goals in the African Union" (Addis Ababa; January 27th – 31st, 2014 – Held Para...
Berlin What's on

"Unlocking Potential: Uniting the World's Leading Powers" (Berlin, Washington, D.C., Brussels, Moscow, Beijing; September - December, 2013)

Cross-Continental Cooperation Summit 2013 "Unlocking Potential: Uniting the World's Leading Powers" (Berlin, Washington, D.C., Brussels, Moscow, Beijing; September - December, 2013) www.Cross-Cont...
Berlin What's on

"Unlocking Potential: Uniting the World's Leading Powers"

Cross-Continental Cooperation Summit 2013 "Unlocking Potential: Uniting the World's Leading Powers" (Berlin, Washington, D.C., Brussels, Moscow, Beijing; September - December, 2013) www.Cross-Cont...
Berlin What's on

Jazzfest Berlin

Berlin Jazz Festival. This year the festival, which has been held in Berlin for the last 40 years, also has an African emphasis. With Gnawa Jazz Voodoo European trends combine with ancient north Af...
Berlin What's on

Winston Chmielinski - Laughter

Our readers what's on: Winston Chmielinski’s paintings have been called “ecstatic”, and in the US press, almost without fail critics made reference to Bacon and Matisse, De Koonin...
Berlin What's on

Meret Oppenheim: Retrospective

The Martin-Gropius-Bau dedicates the first major retrospective to Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) on the centenary of the surrealist artist's birth in Berlin. The comprehensive exhibition covers the e...
Berlin What's on

Show Me: Glamour is back

This lavish production at Friedrichstadt-Palast comprises a huge amount of impersonators and dancers who mimic the world's greatest entertainers of the past century. The all-singing, all-dancing e...
Berlin What's on

Forgotten Jewish Architects

An open-air exhibition pays tribute to Jewish architect-designed buildings around Berlin. Prior to 1933 over 500 Jewish architects lived and worked in Germany — the majority of them based in...
Berlin What's on

The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)

The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) “Encouraging a Sino-European Culture Economy-Based Relationship to tackle Economic and Political Crises” Berlin, Septem...
Berlin What's on

The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)

The Cultural Diplomacy in Europe Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
Berlin What's on

Horst Antes: Painting 1958-2010

The exhibition is dedicated to the last five decades of the career of contemporary German artist and sculptor Horst Antes, with a particular emphasis on his paintings, of which 90 are on display....
Berlin What's on

Ostracised, persecuted - forgotten? Art and Artists under National Socialism: Works from the Gerhard Schneider collection

On the occasion of the theme year “Destroyed Diversity - Berlin during the Nazi period", the Stadtmuseum Berlin dedicates an exhibition to the artists who were banned, persecuted or killed as a...
Berlin What's on

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the African Union

Our readers what's on: Our readers what's on: "African Perspectives: An African Vision for Positive Developments in Africa" (Berlin; June 26th - 28th, 2013) For more information please visit: ht...
Berlin What's on

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America

Our readers what's on: The countries of Latin America play host to a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Iberian colonization of large parts of the South American continent in the 1...
Berlin What's on

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America

The countries of Latin America play host to a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Iberian colonization of large parts of the South American continent in the 16th century led to the i...
Berlin What's on

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013 "The Potential for Cultural Diplomacy in Supporting National and International Governance" (Berlin, Bucharest, Rome, Washington D.C., New York C...
Berlin What's on

The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders

The Europe Meets China Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders
Berlin What's on

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Forthcoming Academic Programs (June
Berlin What's on

The Beautyful Ones

This exhibition of work by young Southern African contemporary artists draws inspiration from the writings of Ghanaian author Ayi Kwei Armah, considered among the most important of the "next generatio...
Berlin What's on

The 2013 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Human Rights

The 2013 International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Human Rights "Towards a Global Human Rights Culture: The Need for a Collective Alliance in the Protection & Promotion of Human Rights" (Berli...


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