Thu, 27 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Berlin Yellow pages

English Theatre Berlin

English language theatre company producing two plays a year and organising interactive workshops.
Kreuzberg district Theatres in Kreuzberg district
Berlin Yellow pages

Wintergarten Variete

Famous opulent European variety theatre noted for its interior and display of circus artefacts from Circus Roncalli.
Tiergarten neighborhood Theatres in Tiergarten neighborhood
Berlin Yellow pages


Renowned as Berlin's oldest jazz club and live music venue.
Charlottenburg neighborhood Theatres in Charlottenburg neighborhood
Berlin Yellow pages

Max Schmeling Halle

Venue for showbusiness concerts, exhibitions, conferences, corporate events as well as international and national sporting events.
Mitte Theatres in Mitte
Berlin Yellow pages

Kunsthaus Tacheles

Unique arts and cultural centre for off-theatre, art exhibitions, cinema, poetry events and much more
Berlin Yellow pages

Komische Oper

Comic Opera House performing traditional musical theatre for adults and children.
Mitte Theatres in Mitte
Berlin Yellow pages


One of Berlin's most popular tourist attractions and Europe's biggest Revue theatre.
Mitte Theatres in Mitte
Berlin Yellow pages

English Theatre Berlin

Theatre presenting in-house and guest productions in English all year round. Book by phone or in person 1 hour before curtain. Website lists forthcoming productions.
Kreuzberg district Theatres in Kreuzberg district
Berlin Yellow pages

Deutsche Oper

Modern opera house performing opera, ballet with national and international stars.
Charlottenburg neighborhood Theatres in Charlottenburg neighborhood
Berlin Yellow pages

Berliner Grundtheater

Featuring an international cast including German and British actors, this theatre deals exclusively with British fringe dramas such as Noel Coward, Jane Austen and Shakespeare.
Berlin Yellow pages

Arena Berlin

Recently renovated, former Berlin transport company depot converted into a cultural and recreational centre for theatre and independent music events.
Treptow area Theatres in Treptow area


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