Mon, 31 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Brussels Yellow pages


Contemporary art gallery with a well-stocked art bookshop with lots of titles in English.
Brussels Yellow pages

UGC de Brouckere

Large cinema chain showing many English language films.
Brussels Yellow pages

Kineopolis Group NV

Brussels cinema, which shows original version, including English language, films.
Brussels Yellow pages


Brussels cinema showing English language films.
Brussels Yellow pages

Actor's Studio

Brussels cinema showing English language films.
Brussels Yellow pages

Womens International Club Of Brussels

This club enables women in Brussels to share their cultures in a friendly environment through a number of recreational activities. They also welcome and assist newcomers to the region.
Brussels Yellow pages

Welsh Society of Brussels

Society organising social and cultural events for Welsh people in Belgium.
Brussels Yellow pages


English-speaking photography club of Brussels.
Brussels Yellow pages


Toastmasters club in which people from all cultures meet in a friendly and supportive environment in order to train their public speaking and leadership/organisation skills. Meetings take place the fi...
Brussels Yellow pages

The Canadian Women's Club of Belgium

The Club has been active in the Belgian community since 1971 and sponsors activities allowing Canadians to get together.
Brussels Yellow pages

South African Club of Brussels

Club for South Africans, those married to a South African or for people that are interested in South Africa. Regular meetings, events and more.
Brussels Yellow pages

Rotary Club Brussels Cantersteen

Dutch and English-speaking club serving the international community in Brussels. Activities include dinners with guest speakers, cultural excursions and family activities.
Brussels Yellow pages

New Zealanders in Belgium

Informal social group organising social events, a contact list and a blog. Monthly Kiwi get togethers in Brussels.
Brussels Yellow pages


Mensa is an international society in which the sole criterion for membership is a score at or above the 98th percentile on any of a number of standardised supervised IQ tests. Mensa provides a forum f...
Brussels Yellow pages

Lions Club of Brussels Heraldic

Lions club with members of various nationalities whose vocation is to help those less fortunate than themselves.
Brussels Yellow pages

Irish Club of Belgium

The Irish Club promotes Ireland in Belgium and serves the Irish-Belgian Community.
Brussels Yellow pages

Caledonian Society Of Brussels

Club for Scottish people in Belgium and for those who have an interest in anything Scottish. Their aim is to maintain the traditions and customs of Scotland. Regular activities and events are organise...


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