Thu, 27 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Dublin News

New taxi ranks in Dublin

23 new taxi locations proposed across capital Dublin City Council (DCC) has approved draft bylaws for 23 new taxi ranks across Dublin, nine of which will be active 24 hours a day, and 14 operationa...
Dublin News

Arthur Guinness Stamp Issued

The 250th anniversary of the Guinness Brewery has been commemorated by An Post, the Irish postal service, with a special postage stamp. A timeless Dublin landmark, the brewery at St James's Gate was f...
Dublin News

New Irish stamps.

The Irish post office has released two news stamps, one featuring Charles Darwin and the other John Millington Synge. The 82-cent stamp of Darwin is to commemorate the bicentenary of his birth and is...
Dublin News

Dublin's Capel Street awarded conservation status.

Historic Capel Street in central Dublin has been designated an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) as part of the city council
Dublin News

Dublin’s historic Arnotts to get revamp.

The famous Arnotts department store on Henry Street in central Dublin is to be developed into a
Dublin News

Easter Rising: Time capsule uncovered in Dublin cemetery.

A cylindrical lead time capsule dedicated to the rebels of the 1916 Easter Rising has been discovered in the masonry of a monument in Dublin
Dublin News

Lower speed limits for Dublin city centre.

The city council has announced plans to reduce speed limits in Dublin city centre and along the quays from 50kph to 30kph to help prevent fatal accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians. The new li...
Dublin News

IKEA opening: Dublin to get IKEA superstore.

Swedish furniture colossus IKEA has been granted planning permission to build a superstore at Ballymun in Dublin. The An Bord Plean
Dublin News

Ballymun towerblock in Dublin transformed.

A Kilkenny-born installation artist, Seamus Nolan, is behind the tranformation of one of the 15-storey towerblocks in the notorious Ballymun council housing estate, due for demolition at the end of sp...
Dublin News

Frawley’s department store in Dublin closes.

Dublin is to lose one of its oldest department stores when Frawley
Dublin News

Business productivity centre to open in Dublin.

The Irish Management Institute (IMI) and Microsoft Ireland have announced plans to set up a 2 million national productivity centre at the IMI campus in Sandyford Co. Dublin. Officially launched by the...
Dublin News

IKEA store for Ballymun.

Swedish furniture chain IKEA has received planning permission to build a superstore at Ballymun on the northern outskirts of Dublin. The outlet will be the first IKEA in Ireland. However, Fingal Count...
Dublin News

Development around Dublins Custom House.

Dublins Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) has announced plans to transform the area around the historic Custom House into a cultural and entertainment space. Often considered architecturally the...
Dublin News

Liffey Boardwalk homeless helped.

Dublin council officials, gardai and homeless support groups have met to discuss how best to aid people sleeping rough on the 650m-long boardwalk on the banks of the River Liffey. Officially inaugurat...
Dublin News

Debenhams to take over Roches outlets.

Well-known Irish retail chain Roches Stores has sold 10 of its 11 outlets to British department store group Debenhams, ending almost a century of commercial activity. In Dublin the transfer affects th...
Dublin News

Old water pipes to be replaced.

Dublin city council is to spend nearly 120million on replacing the Irish capitals network of cast iron pipes in an attempt to stem water loss from leaks. An estimated 28 per cent of Dublins water is l...
Dublin News

Joint policing committees in Dublin.

Dublin city is one of 15 local authority areas chosen to be part of a pilot scheme aimed at improving co-operation between local communities and police. The new joint policing committees, which will b...
Dublin News

Drugs hot-line in operation.

A confidential telephone line giving callers the chance to pass on information about drug-dealing in their area has been launched as a pilot project by the Blanchardstown Local Drugs Task Force in the...
Dublin News

Census forms in 13 languages.

The 2006 Ireland census forms are to be translated into 11 languages besides Irish and English in recognition of the growing number of foreign nationals living and working in Ireland. The last census...
Dublin News

Rising crime overstretches Gardai.

Increasing levels of social disorder and violent crime in Dublin have not been matched by a rise in Garda numbers, according to figures obtained by the Fine Gael representatives in response to written...


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