Wed, 12 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Brussels News

Belgian racing pigeon closes record sale at € 1.6m

This is slightly higher than the € 1.25m for Armando, the top sale at last year’s auction Who knew a pigeon at hand, could rake €1.6m in the bank? A two-year-old Belgian racing pigeon called New Ki...
Dublin News

Fungie: Ireland loses hope for beloved dolphin, feared dead

Mounting concern in Ireland for the missing dolphin. Fungie, probably the most famous dolphin in the world, has not been seen for a week in the harbour of Dingle where he has entertained tourists dai...
Berlin News

German nudist chases laptop-stealing wild boar

Wild boar stole laptop from naked sunbather at Berlin lake. A dramatic chase involving a nudist bather and a wild boar that stole his laptop near a Berlin lake was captured by a photographer who said...
Barcelona News

Spain's top court overturns Catalonia bullfighting ban

Barcelona mayor vows to resist contentious court decision. Spain’s top court has overturned a ban on bullfighting in the Catalonia region, almost five years after it was introduced, declaring it "u...
Brussels News

Microchips for cats in Brussels

Obligatory chipping and registration for all cats in the Brussels region. All kittens in the Brussels region are to be fitted with microchips and registered in a centralised system before the age o...
Berlin News

Berlin displays Europe's first T-Rex skeleton

Europe's first complete T-Rex skeleton at Berlin's Natural History Museum. The first complete and original Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton to be constructed in Europe has gone on public display at Berli...
Dublin News

Airfield farm reopens in Dundrum

Working farm in Dundrum reopens after three-year renovation Airfield Farm in the affluent south Dublin suburb of Dundrum officially reopened to the public in mid-April following a three-year, &euro...
Copenhagen News

Copenhagen zoo culls four lions

Copenhagen Zoo has killed four lions (two old parents and their two cubs) to make way for a new male lion from another city for breeding with two females at the zoo. The culling of the lions comes...
Berlin News

Berlin to tax visiting dogs

Tourists to Berlin who are accompanied by their dogs will have to pay an added sum on their hotel bills. From the beginning of 2014 visitors to Berlin are paying a five per cent hotel tax on top of...
Vienna News

Schőnbrunn zoo reopens after day of ice

Bad weather in Austria closed the Schőnbrunn zoo for the first time in 260 years on 3 February. Dangerous black ice made it impossible to open the zoo grounds to visitors and although most of the...
Vienna News

Sharks in Vienna

Visitors to Vienna’s aquarium (Haus des Meeres) in Esterhazy park can now watch Caribbean hammer sharks, stingrays, and other exotic species in a new 150,000 litre tank at the top of the 50-m Fl...
Berlin News

Berlin wins rights to Knut the Polar Bear

The Berlin Zoo has won its battle to keep the rights to the name Knut, the popular polar bear it bred in captivity until it unexpectedly died in 2011. The name generates a large income for the Berl...
Dublin News

Two fairs a year for Dublin’s Smithfield

Dublin City Council has ruled that the historic Smithfield horse fair will now take place just twice a year, rather than the current monthly event. The fairs will be held on the first Sunday of Mar...
Paris News

Foxes back in Paris

Foxes are back in the centre of Paris and have been seen at the Jardin du Luxembourg and the Place de la République. However it is estimated that there are many fewer than the urban fox populat...
Istanbul News

Animal lovers protest new law

If you have traveled or if you live in Turkey, particularly in Istanbul, you must have noticed the large number of cats and dogs roaming the streets. However, there are no reliable statistics of the n...


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