Wed, 12 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Jersey News

Tax haven review.

The British government has announced a major review of how tax havens transact business. In a report designed to show that he will take robust action to address the fall-out of the credit crisis, Ali...
Jersey News

Mobile number portability a reality.

Users of mobile phones in Jersey can now move their phone number from one of the three island operators to another. Mobile number portability (MNP) came into operation on 1 December. Jersey cell phone...
Jersey News

Jersey voters oust old guard.

The Jersey political party, the Jersey Democratic Alliance, scored the biggest success for party politics in 60 years in Jersey
Jersey News

Harcourt Developments settles out of court.

Harcourt Developments Ltd, the favoured developer for the St Helier Esplanade site, has agreed to an out-of-court settlement in a case brought against it in Dublin. Three past associates of various di...
Jersey News

Elections for the States of Jersey.

There are a record number of 63 candidates seeking election as deputies to the island
Jersey News

No more carnations.

The last crop of carnations to be picked in Jersey
Jersey News

Jersey's top lender cuts back.

Jersey Home Loans, the island
Jersey News

Jersey boosts customs allowances.

From 1 December, adults travelling to the island can bring in double the current personal amount of wine without paying duty, and those on commercial airlines or boats can also bring in gifts and othe...
Jersey News

Channel Islanders fear credit crunch.

Jersey inhabitants are worried about job security and will cut back dramatically on spending, according to a new survey conducted by Guernsey-based business, Island Analysis. The survey has found that...
Jersey News

Jersey prices rise again.

In the 12 months to September 2008 the all-items retail price index stood at 6.4 per cent, the highest in the last 16 years. The last time inflation touched the 6 per cent mark was in March 1992, wh...
Jersey News

Bailiff of Jersey to retire.

The Bailiff of Jersey, Sir Philip Bailhache, will retire in June. Sir Philip has told members of the States of Jersey that he has received permission from the Queen to retire in 2009 after almost 15...
Jersey News

Jersey budget proposals.

Tax thresholds will go up and fuel duty will be frozen under a budget planned to help islanders struggling with rising prices. Proposals include a five per cent rise in tax thresholds and a one-year f...
Jersey News

Jersey studies bridge to France.

A serious inquiry into the feasibility of building a
Jersey News

Jersey's world war heroes.

A rare world war one album commemorating Jersey
Jersey News

Jersey banks safe.

Assurances that no banks will be allowed to collapse and that the UK banking system is safe were given to senior island officials during a recent meeting with the UK Treasury. Senior figures from Jer...
Jersey News

International Baccalaureate comes to Jersey.

Hautlieu College will become the first school in the Channel Islands to offer the International Baccalaureate diploma as an alternative to A Level exams. The school has now received confirmation tha...
Jersey News

Electricity prices up again.

Electricity price rises in Jersey will rise by 24 per cent next year. The Jersey Electricity Company said that it had been forced to increase prices from 1 January because of soaring wholesale energy...
Jersey News

Harcourt Developments in Irish high court.

Irish company Harcourt Developments is defending itself in the Irish High Court against charges that it has excluded business associates from a partnership involved in the Jersey waterfront developmen...
Jersey News

Jersey airport improvements.

Construction starts on the new air traffic control (ATC) facility at Jersey airport on 21 October. The budget is
Jersey News

Jersey votes no to CET.

Jersey voted overwhelmingly on 15 October not to adopt Central European Time (CET). The proposal was thrown out by 72 per cent of those who voted in the island
Jersey News

Protecting Jersey savers.

Every penny of islanders
Jersey News

Jersey votes to change time.

The Channel Islands could break with Britain for the first time ever by shifting the clocks forward by one hour to adopt Central European Time (CET). The island votes in a referendum in 15 October to...
Jersey News

Paying for Jersey health in the UK.

Islanders who fall ill or have accidents in the UK could soon be left with huge medical bills if they don
Jersey News

Radisson architecture under fire.

A newly-built Jersey hotel, which opened its doors last year on a site close to the island's main harbour, is in line for a national architectural award for
Jersey News

More flight cuts.

Low cost airline Flybe is axing flights between Jersey and Norwich and reducing services on its Paris route
Jersey News

Threat to Jersey health care.

Islanders could lose some of their rights to free health-care in the UK. Island health chiefs have admitted that free care in national health service hospitals hangs in the balance following the annou...
Jersey News

Record numbers contest Jersey elections.

A record 21 candidates have been nominated to stand in October's senatorial elections for six seats in the States of Jersey. There will also be elections for four constables, the administrative heads...
Jersey News

Jersey elections heat up.

A record 21 candidates have been nominated to stand in October's senatorial elections for six seats in the States of Jersey. There will also be elections for four constables, the administrative heads...


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