Fri, 14 March 2025
Europe's news in English
London News

Nelsons Column to be restored.

Nelsons Column is to get a major overhaul for only the third time since being erected in Trafalgar Square in 1843 to celebrate Britains naval victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. The last major renovat...
London News

Historic swimming baths saved.

The Forest Hill Pools on Dartmouth Road are to be given a 4 million revamp as the result of a decision by Lewisham Council following a public consultation with residents. The pools, which serve the Fo...
London News

Redevelopment plans for Waterloo.

London mayor Ken Livingstone has announced proposals for a major redevelopment project in Waterloo. Plans include improving access to and expanding the national rail station and creating a town square...
London News

Bobbies at a price.

The mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, has announced that there will be neighbourhood teams of bobbies on the beat in every London ward by April 2006. Teams will initially consist of a sergeant, a poli...
London News

The cost of longer drinking hours.

From 24 November pubs and clubs in England and Wales will be able to have flexible opening hours and potentially to stay open for 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The move has raised considerable di...
London News

Winter fuel alert

Following predictions from the met office of freezing weather conditions in Britain this winter, the mayor of London has warned that this could be the worst winter since 1962, when Britons shivered in...
London News

Thames flood defences weak.

A new report has warned that London could be at risk from flooding due to the poor condition of the flood barriers that protect the eastern part of the capital. The London Assemblys 8-month inquiry in...
London News

The changing face of London allotments.

A quiet revolution has been taking place in London allotments over the last few years. Its not only what is being planted, but who is doing the planting that has seen a dramatic change. The growing in...
London News

Water restrictions in the pipeline.

One of the driest winters in over 100 years has prompted the Thames Water Authority to issue a drought warning and to threaten a hosepipe ban for some time in August. Despite the rainy weather this su...
London News

London road safety record.

The recent release of statistics compiled by Transport for London (TfL) show that road safety in the capital is far ahead of previously set targets. Originally road deaths were to be reduced by 40 per...
London News

Londons congestion charge goes up.

The congestion charge was introduced in February 2003, with the aim of reducing Londons traffic. Drivers were obliged to pay 5 if they wanted to drive into central London. The move was considered very...
London News

British Library acquires ill-fated book.

Luckily the bookbinding curator at the British Library doesnt believe in evil omens. However the fortunes of the bejewelled copy of Omar Khayyams Rubaiyat, recently acquired by the library, should giv...
London News

Bonuses at the BBC.

BBC bosses have upset many of their staff, thousands of whom are facing redundancy, by accepting huge bonuses of up to 25 peer cent of their salaries. Mark Thompson the BBC director-general turned d...
London News

The 2012 Olympics.

There was jubilation throughout the United Kingdom when it was announced that London had won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics. But then the bombs came and the celebrations for the Olympic victory was...


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