Mon, 10 March 2025
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London What's on

The Unknown Monet: Pastels and Drawings.

17 March-10 June 2007. The sketches, preparatory studies, finished drawings and pastels of French Impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1929) are on show in this ground-breaking exhibition explorin...
London What's on

Gilbert & George at the Tate Modern.

15 Feb-7 May 2007. This is the most comprehensive exhibition ever of the ground-breaking artworks of Gilbert & George. Since they first met at St Martin
London What's on

Holbein in England.

28 Sept 2006-7 Jan 2007. The Tate Britain hosts a major exhibition of works by Hans Holbein the younger (1497/8-1543), Britains first great artist. Chronicling Holbeins time in England (1526-8 & 1532-...
London What's on

Velázquez exhibition.

18 Oct 2006-21 Jan 2007. The National Gallery hosts a major exhibition of work by the great Spanish artist Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Vel
London What's on

Movements in Adagio

An illustrated collection of impressionistic views of daily life by an International Photographer. October 18-29, 2006 Gallery Hours: Wednesday Sunday 12PM-5PM
London What's on

Kandinsky: The Path to Abstraction.

22 June-1 Oct 2006. Focussing on the first half of Wassily Kandinskys career from 1908-1922, this exhibition at the Tate Modern presents over 50 paintings and 30 works on paper by the Russian-born art...
London What's on

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

12 June-20 Aug 2006. This is the 237th edition of the largest and most popular open art exhibition in the UK, which has been held every year without exception since 1769. The first summer exhibition,...
London What's on

Tate Triennial 2006 New British Art.

1 March-14 May 2006. Now in its third edition, the Tate Britains three-yearly exhibition showcases the latest developments in contemporary British art. Thirty-six artists working in video, film, paint...
London What's on

Michelangelo Drawings.

23 March-25 June 2006. The British Museum presents a chronological exhibition of drawings by the Renaissance genius Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564). Nearly 100 drawings are on display, including f...
London What's on

The Qing Dynasty at the Royal Academy.

12 Nov 2005-17 April 2006. This exhibition entitled China: the Three Emperors, 1662-1795 covers the reigns of the most powerful rulers of the Qing dynasty: Kangxi (1662-1722), Yongzheng (1723-35) and...
London What's on

Beautiful Minds at the British Library.

7 Dec 2005-15 March 2006. Capturing the spirit of Nobel prize winners achievements, this exhibition in the Pearson Gallery of the British Library focuses on 30 winners in all six of the fields designa...
London What's on

Turner Prize 2005 at the Tate

Until 22 Jan 2006. The Turner Prize is one of Europes most prestigious awards for contemporary visual art. To be eligible you must be British and under 50 and have presented an outstanding exhibition...
London What's on

Inside the Spitfire

Until Feb 2006. Running at Londons Science Museum Inside the Spitfire celebrates Britains most famous fighter plane of the Second World War on the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. From its g...
London What's on

Degas, Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec: London and Paris 18701910

5 Oct 200515 Jan 2006. This exhibition takes a fascinating look at the exchange of ideas and imagery that took place between painters on both siedds of the Channel at the turn of the eighteenth centur...
London What's on

Hans Christian Andersen.

20 May-2 October 2005. As the British Library puts it, this is a free exhibition for people of all ages marking Hans Christian Andersens bicentenary with a celebration of the Danish writers work and l...
London What's on

The Stuff of Life.

29 June- 2 Oct 2005. This touring exhibition explores the depiction of the use of objects in art. There are well-known paintings by Velazquez, Van Gogh and Courbet, as well as contemporary video work...
London What's on

Hearwear The Future of Hearing.

26 July-5 March 2006. An exhibition designed to to show how hearwear can be just as fashionable as the latest eyewear The exhibition displays prototypes by some of the United Kingdoms leading designer...
London What's on

Private Places.

5 July-29 Aug 2005. A continuation of the Geffrye Museums interest in exploring urban domestic spaces, this photography exhibition of almost 100 images explores the garden. Jointly organised by the G...
London What's on

Impressionism Abroad: Boston and French Painting.

2 July-11 Sept 2005. A total of 50 works trace the relationship between French and American art during the late 19th century. Work from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston reveals local artists and coll...
London What's on

Stubbs and the Horse.

29 June- 25 Sept 2005. The show includes a whole room of George Stubbs anatomical drawings of horses, revealing his intimate knowledge gained from working as a stables apprentice for two years. 8. 10...


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