Sun, 09 March 2025
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Oxford What's on

The Firing Line: Depictions of Conflict in the Collection of General John Guise

25 May - 29 August 2010. General John Guise (1682 - 1765) was Christ Church Gallery's principal benefactor. He combined his distinguished military career with his passion for Old Master drawings, part...
Oxford What's on

Howard Hodgkin: Time and Place

23 June - 6 September 2010. Acclaimed British abstract artist Howard Hodgkin (b. 1932) has said that he paints 'representational pictures of emotional situations'. This major exhibition examines H...
Oxford What's on

The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley: 5000 - 3500 BC

20 May - 15 August 2010. 250 artefacts from 5000 - 3500 BC, including gold and metalwork from the settlements of furthest southeastern Europe, are currently on display in the Ashmolean Museum. Thi...
Oxford What's on

A Wonderland of Natural History

24 April - 31 December 2010. The Oxford University Museum of Natural History was built between 1855 and 1860, as a temple to science. Long before its construction however, there was first a campaign t...
Oxford What's on

Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival: Artweeks

8 - 31 May 2010. Once a year, artists and craftspeople in Oxfordshire fling open their studio doors and allow the public to observe them at work. As the majority of artists tend to work in isolated en...
Oxford What's on

The Burial of Emperor Haile Selassie: Photographs by Peter Marlow

22 April - 21 November 2010. Haile Selassie (1892 - 1975) was Ethiopia's regent from 1916 to 1930 and Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. Legend has it that his dynasty could be traced back to King...
Oxford What's on

C.S. Lewis Tour

Until 22 December 2010. Taking place throughout the year, this tour traces the life of C.S. Lewis, the novelist and academic most famous for 'The Chronicles of Narnia'. The tour is led by Ron Brind, a...
Oxford What's on

After Michelangelo

Until 16 May 2010. This exhibition, made up of 33 Old Master drawings bequeathed to Christ Church in 1765 by General John Guise, traces the profound influence that Michelangelo had on the artworld. Th...
Oxford What's on

Albania and the Balkan

Albania and the Balkans: Drawings and photographs from the Edith Durham Collection. 1 February
Oxford What's on

Taking Flight: A History of Pegasus Theatre

Until 3 April 2010. Researched and produced by the Oxford Youth Theatre company, this exhibition at the Museum of Oxford provides visitors with the chance to explore the city's rich history. The past...
Oxford What's on

Building the New Ashmolean: Drawings and Prints by Weimin He

4 November 2009 - 28 February 2010. Weimin He from China is the Ashmolean artist-in-residence. During the Ashmolean's transition period from the demolition of the old building in 2006 to the completio...
Oxford What's on

Miroslaw Balka: Topography & Pawel Althamer: Common Task

12 December 2009 - 7 March 2010. Two exhibitions take place concurrently in Modern Art Oxford. Considered one of the most innovative artists of his generation, Pawel Althamer merges traditional sculpt...
Oxford What's on

University of Oxford Botanic Garden

Until 1 March 2010. The Botanic Garden at the University of Oxford offers visitors a series of events over winter, including an exhibition of fibre-inspired artworks which promotes Fairtrade clothes....
Oxford What's on

John Bradford - Pioneer of Landscape Archaeology

2 October 2009 - 31 January 2010. John Bradford (1918-1975) was an archaeologist with the Pitt Rivers Museum, who specialised in the pioneering use of aerial photography to facilitate landscape archae...
Oxford What's on

Steam Punk

13 Oct 2009-21 Feb 2010. Steampunk is an artform which came in to prominence in the 1980s and combines an unusual combination of Victorian steam power with a Jules Verne type of fantasy and science fi...
Oxford What's on

Karla Black Exhibition

30 Sept - 29 Nov 2009. Glasgow artist Karla Black (born in 1972) makes process-based sculptural pieces using household materials such as clothing, flour and lipstick, in a style that incorporates aspe...
Oxford What's on

Some Like it Hot!

13 September - 17 October 2009. The Oxfordshire Museum hosts an exhibition focusing on the ancient art of enamelling. The process of enamelling involves smelting powdered glass onto precious and non-p...
Oxford What's on

Carolyn Drake: Photographs of Central Asia

14 May - 15 November 2009. Carolyn Drake is an award-winning photographer whose wide selection of photographs and documentary work from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are on show in the Pitt Rivers Museum....
Oxford What's on

Victorian Life

25 July-6 Sept 2009. The Oxfordshire Museum is holding an exhibition which looks at life through the eyes of a child during the reign of Britain's longest-serving monarch. The show includes the paraso...


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