Where to live in Vienna
Vienna comes off very well in international city rankings with a high quality of life and a general feeling of well-being among locals and tourists. Clean streets, low crime-rates, efficient public services, cultural diversity, and a beautiful and varied landscape all make for a quality of life that is particularly appealing. Austrias capital offers not only a wide spectrum of cultural activities, from opera to theatre to museums, but has also made its mark in recent years in the electronic music scene and offers a diverse range of festivals year round. In general, you get good value for money in Vienna.
The rental market is extensive with a large number of old buildings. Expect an average monthly rate of 8-10 /sqm depending on area, size, and quality. The 7th district Neubau is one classy Viennese district, where you can also find a pulsating night-life. Funnily enough, this densely inhabited district is the only one governed by a green politician despite not having any green spaces. Anyone wanting to live in a greener and quieter area should choose the 13th district Hietzing or go up to the hills north of the city centre.
Getting around the 23 Viennese districts is easy. The public transport system is convenient and reliable with an extensive network of subway, suburban trains, trams and buses. However, a typical Viennese would take a bike and cycle around Viennas heavy traffic, not least because the city offers an amazing 1000 km of cycle paths. The first district is located in the heart of Vienna with the Stephansdome (cathedral) in the centre. All other districts are located in two circles around the centre of town.

Alsergrund, the 9th district of Vienna, is situated north of the city centre (Innere Stadt) and play...

The 20th district of Vienna, Brigittenau is situated north-east of the centre (Innere Stadt) on the...

The 19th district of Vienna is located north of the centre (Innere Stadt) on the outskirts of the gr...

The 22nd district, Donaustadt, is Viennas biggest and has a steadily growing population. One of two...

Favoriten, Viennas 10th district, is one of the citys largest and has the highest population of any...

Viennas 21st district, Floridsdorf is one of two districts known by the Viennese as Transdanubien (a...

Hernals is Viennas 17th district and lies in the north-western corner of the city between Ottakring...

Viennas 13th and western-most district, Hietzing, was the chicest part of the city and famous for it...

Innere Stadt (City Centre), known as 1st district, is the historic heart of Vienna and home to its g...

Josefstadt, Viennas 8th district and the smallest, was named after Emperor Joseph II. Today it is a...

Landstrae, Viennas 3rd district, contains the citys so-called diplomatic quarter, which retains a ri...

Leopoldstadt, the citys 2nd district, is separated from the city centre by the Danube Canal and by t...

Located in the south-western corner of Vienna, the 23rd district, Liesing, is also one of the larges...

Margareten, Viennas 5th district is a residential area through and through. Originally the western s...

Mariahilf, Viennas 6th district, runs along one side of one of Vienna's busiest and most vibrant sho...

Meidling, the 12th district of Vienna, is located south-west of the city-centre and was once an impe...

Neubau, the 7th district of Vienna, like neighbouring Mariahilf flanks the busy shopping street, Mar...

The 16th district of Vienna, Ottakring, occupies a slim strip lying north-west of the city centre (I...

This, the 14th district of Vienna, occupies a long slip of the north-western corner of the city. Pen...

Viennas 15th district, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus is a small well-populated inner-city area just west...

Simmering, also known as 11th district, is a medium-sized industrial quarter in the south-east of Vi...

Währing, Viennas 18th district, lies north-west of the city centre (Innere Stadt) sandwiched be...

Wieden, Viennas 4th district, lying south of the city centre (Innere Stadt), is one of its most desi...