Coronavirus in Europe
UK pub uses electric fence to enforce social distancing
Norway: anti covid measures affect funeral services because of declining mortality
UK study shows that covid-19 antibodies decrease over a three-month period
Covid-19, in Catalonia 8 municipalities return to a Phase 1 lockdown
Coronavirus: England to scrap quarantine for more than 50 countries
Jersey opens up to safe travel after months of isolation from the rest of the world
Boris Johnson reveals plans for post lockdown strategy
Jersey starts to ease the covid-19 lockdown
Austria reopens after lockdown
Coronavirus in Europe: Germany’s Response to Covid-19
UPDATE: UK prime minister leaves hospital
Jersey to build an emergency Covid-19 hospital
Coronavirus in Europe: Sweden opts for herd immunity
UPDATE: Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved to intensive care
Coronavirus: The Wimbledon tennis tournament gets cancelled
British Airways closes operations at Gatwick airport indefinitely
Jersey cracks down to stop the spread of coronavirus
EasyJet grounds all its planes as UK airline industry grinds to a halt