Mon, 31 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Paris News

Paris gets a top credit rating.

Standard & Poors, the credit rating agency better known for giving countries and multi-nationals credit ratings for their bond issues, has come out heavily on the side of the city of Paris, giving it...
Dublin News

Jurys Dublin to become apartments.

The 5-acre site of Jurys and The Towers hotels in Ballsbridge, something of a landmark in south Dublin, has been sold to property developer Sean Dunne for 260 million, following months of uncertainty...
Paris News

Foreign students increase in France.

The number of foreign students attending courses at French universities has increased by 60 per cent since 1998. There are currently 250,000 foreign students studying in France, or 13.7 per cent of a...
Madrid News

Water restrictions come late.

Spains severe drought continues, as water reserves are still only at 40 per cent of normal levels for this time of the year, despite recent rainfall. Nevertheless environment minister, Cristina Narbon...
Berlin News

Nuclear power nein danke.

A recent poll by the Enmid institute has found that 70 per cent of Germans want to end dependence on nuclear energy in their country. However given current prices, fossil fuels are not seen as a viabl...
Dublin News

Irish test disposable credit cards.

One of the dilemmas facing consumers in this age of internet is whether or not to use a credit card to make purchases online either for those who dont possess such a thing as a credit card or for tho...
Paris News

Demand soars at Catholic schools.

For the third consecutive year, French Catholic schools have been forced to turn away more than 20,000 potential pupils because their classrooms are already overcrowded. Nevertheless 3,000 new enrolme...
Madrid News

Property prices rise steeply.

A report by Tasaciones Inmobilarias, the property evaluation experts, has confirmed the trend in increasing house prices in Spain, mirroring what is now an established Europe-wide phenomenon. Annual i...
Dublin News

Irelands rich and poor.

The 2005 human development report published by the UN development programme has placed the Irish second in the wealthiest nations league with an average per capita gross domestic product of 30,384. Th...
Dublin News

Priesthood attracts more applicants.

Nineteen men are to start their studies for the priesthood this term at St. Patricks College, Maynooth, which used to be one of the largest seminaries in the world. The latest intake brings the total...
Madrid News

Spains dry summer.

Forest fires, heat-waves and the worst drought in over half a century are the key factors in a dramatic equation which sees Spain paying a heavy price for its notorious mismanagement of water resource...
London News

The changing face of London allotments.

A quiet revolution has been taking place in London allotments over the last few years. Its not only what is being planted, but who is doing the planting that has seen a dramatic change. The growing in...
London News

Water restrictions in the pipeline.

One of the driest winters in over 100 years has prompted the Thames Water Authority to issue a drought warning and to threaten a hosepipe ban for some time in August. Despite the rainy weather this su...
London News

London road safety record.

The recent release of statistics compiled by Transport for London (TfL) show that road safety in the capital is far ahead of previously set targets. Originally road deaths were to be reduced by 40 per...
Paris News

Camping becomes trendy.

Camping has never been associated with a chic lifestyle particularly in France where camping has not been a national pastime since the 1930s. However times are changing and so are attitudes to this...
Paris News

The sacred and the profane.

Notre-Dame de Paris plays host to some 11 million visitors every year but very few of them enter the church to attend Mass. The chaplain Monsignor Paul Guiberteau has recently felt the need to remind...
Oxford News

More homeless on Oxfords streets.

The number of people sleeping on the streets is at its highest since 2001. According to figures from random spot-checks carried out by Oxford city council, 17 people have been counted as sleeping roug...
Oxford News

Problems for electronic bus-stops.

The installation of electronic timetables at bus-stops in Oxford city centre is delayed because of software failure of so-called real-time satellite-operated bus schedules. Two bus-stops on the Banbu...
Oxford News

Hi-tech cameras for car parks.

There has been a security upgrade at the Westgate multi-storey car park and at the underground car park at Gloucester Green bus station in Oxford city centre. New equipment, which scans the area and c...
Paris News

The 104 - Pariss new cultural centre.

104 rue dAubervilliers in the 19th arrondissement of Paris looks set to become the French capitals next cultural centre. The 104 has become the focus of a wide ranging artistic and cultural debate abo...


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