Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Oxford News

Hospitals get clean bill of health.

Oxford hospitals, the John Radcliffe and the Radcliffe Infirmary, have cleaned up their act after criticism a few months ago for their lack of cleanliness and even unfriendliness. The spot checks cond...
London News

Heathrow, bird flu and sniffer dogs.

The avian flu alert has brought sniffer dogs to Heathrow airport. The dogs are checking passengers and baggage in the hope of stopping people from smuggling in birds that might be infected by the viru...
Vienna News

Guidelines for mobile phone use

The publication of the results of a European Union funded Reflex-Studie into causes of cell mutation in human genes and the creation of cancerous cells has led the Vienna doctors professional organisa...
Paris News

New out-of-hours healthcare for Paris

A new out-of-hours healthcare clinic has opened in central Paris, as part of a network aimed at relieving pressure on the city


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