Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Brussels News

New sewer system for Brussels

The renovation of Brussels
London News

New London super-sewer route revealed

The proposed route of a new 20-mile long,
Dublin News

Water Pumped into Dublin from West of Ireland

A controversial proposal to pump drinking water into Dublin from the river Shannon in the west of Ireland has been approved by Dublin city councillors. The plan involves pumping 350 million litres...
Jersey News

Jersey's Waterfront Enterprise Board may expand its development function

The body responsible for the development of the Waterfront, close to Jersey
Jersey News

Jersey Waterfront project not dead yet

The multi-million pound plan to develop a new financial centre on the Waterfront in Jersey could be back on. Despite the current economic difficulties and the long-running controversy over the idea,...
London News

Few British workers on Olympic site

Olympic chiefs have revealed that British workers make up one eighth of the workforce on the London Olympic site, says the London Evening Standard, despite a guarantee by the government that the
Dublin News

Dublin still hit by water shortages

Dublin city council is still battling with water shortages caused by pipes damaged by the cold weather at the beginning of January. Some areas of the city have severe restrictions, other are exper...
Dublin News

Dublin still hit by water shortages

Dublin city council is still battling with water shortages caused by pipes damaged by the cold weather at the beginning of January. Some areas of the city have severe restrictions, other are exper...
Jersey News

Incinerator burns up money

The total loss on the incinerator euro blunder stands at around
Jersey News

Jersey incinerator controversy hots up

A row has developed between Jersey
Paris News

New treatment plant for Paris water.

Purified spring water from the new treatment plant at Hay-les-Roses is now being piped into households on the south side of the 13
Barcelona News

Barcelona plans more water storage.

Barcelona is to build six new rainwater collection tanks which will effectively double the city
Jersey News

Jersey studies bridge to France.

A serious inquiry into the feasibility of building a
Jersey News

Harcourt Developments in Irish high court.

Irish company Harcourt Developments is defending itself in the Irish High Court against charges that it has excluded business associates from a partnership involved in the Jersey waterfront developmen...
Barcelona News

Major investment plan for Barcelona Central Market.

Barcelona mayor Jordi Hereu has announced a major investment plan for the Mercabarna (Mercados de Abastecimientos de Barcelona SA), the Catalan capital
Berlin News

World Arena opens in Berlin.

The new 17,000-seat O2 World Arena in Berlin-Friedrichshain is to open on 12 September with a concert by American heavy metal band Metallica. Constructed by the US American Anschutz Group near the Ost...


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