Just over a quarter of the Spanish population thinks that drugs are not dangerous and believes that everyone should experiment with them at least once in their lives. The same percentage was also against the introduction of more severe penalties for drug use. The results come from a study carried out for the Drug Addiction Aid Foundation FAD (Fundacion de Ayuda Contra la Drogadiccion), the most important private organization "against" drugs in Spain.
Procuring drugs was seen by around 80 percent of those surveyed as being easy or quite easy, and only 5 percent thought it would be difficult to buy drugs. These results could go some way in explaining the increase in drug consumption in Spain as they show that there is little awareness of the risks involved in drug-taking, combined with an acceptance of drugs as an everyday fact of life for many people.
The report also showed that perceptions of drugs had changed and for the first time in a survey of this nature, cannabis was seen to be less dangerous than either alcohol or tobacco.