Ai Weiwei in New York: Photographs 1983-1993
9 January - 18 March. The Martin-Gropuis-Bau exhibits 220 photographs taken by leading Chinese artist Ai Weiwei in New York from 1982-1993.
Curated by Weiwei himself, the exhibition comprises images from when he was an active member of New York's Chinese community of artists and intellectuals.
While in the US the artist took an estimated 10,000 photographs. Weiwei's artistic practice extends from traditional, physical pieces to incorporate conceptual projects, social activities, design and architecture.
Viewed by China as a dissident, the artist was arrested in Beijing and held without charges for several months last April over his campaigns against the Chinese government's infringement of human rights.
Weiwei currently works from his studio in Beijing but is prohibited from leaving the city or talking to the press.
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Ai Weiwei in New York: Photographs 1983-1993
Sun-Mon 10.00-20.00 Martin-Gropius-Bau, Niederkirchnerstr. 7, tel. +49(0)3024749888.