Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Jersey What's on

Jersey Arts Centre Book Sale

15-18 February 2010. Jersey Arts Centre is having a book sale to raise money for the centre. The Arts Centre is one of the main cultural centres on the island. It has a theatre, which also doubles as...
Madrid What's on

Thomas Schütte

9 February - 17 May 2010. Born in Oldenburg in 1954, Thomas Sch
Brussels What's on

El Greco

4 February - 5 May 2010. El Greco has not always enjoyed the honour of being regarded as the master of Mannerism and one of the greats of the Spanish School of Painting. It was almost 300 years after...
Madrid What's on

San Isidro Bullfight Festival.

12 May-2 June 2006. The Festival of San Isidro from 12 to 21 May signals the start of 20 consecutive days of top-class bullfighting in La Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas del Espritu Santo, Madrids histor...

Serate di musica international

Italian guitarist-singer sings in 11 languages at your party. Specialize in italian and Napolitan songs. George@ 3200536584
Berlin What's on




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