18 March - 29 May. This exhibition focuses on etchings from Pablo Picasso's 1937 series The Dream and Lie of Franco. Laden with political symbols and part of the huge body of political art produced by Picasso during the Spanish Civil War, the series is seen as a conceptual forerunner for his masterpiece Guernica, painted later that same year for the Republican pavilion at the International Exposition in Paris.
The civil war years constituted a period of intensive activity by Picasso and, along with a group of other politically-minded artists, he was responsible for producing a large amount of political posters, illustrations and cartoons for the press. The group was dubbed the Army of Art and included Goya, caricaturist Bagar
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Museu Picasso of Barcelona, Montcada 15-23, 08003 Barcelona, tel. +34932563000. www.museupicasso.bcn.cat