Divine Madness: Charlotte Bergman Johanssen and Mille Rude
15 August -18 October 2009. Nikolaj is Copenhagen's contemporary art centre and is situated in the former Nikolaj Church in the middle of Copenhagen. This exhibition focuses on the notions of dreams and identity and is aimed at both children and adults, inviting a dialogue between both. A mixture of installation, video and performance, Johanssen and Rude star as 'themselves', as well as mermaids, in an often humourous journey that later invokes introspection and reflection at various levels.
General Info
Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Nikolaj Plads, DK 10-67 Copenhagen. Tel. +45 3318 1780
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Divine Madness: Charlotte Bergman Johanssen and Mille Rude
Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Nikolaj Plads, DK 10-67 Copenhagen. Tel. +45 3318 1780 www.kunsthallennikolaj.dk