16 February - 13 June 2010. Revered Italian film director Federico Fellini (1920 - 1993) is considered one of the most influential film makers of the 20th century, and is celebrated for his distinct style that blended fantasy and baroque images. His admirers claim that he permanently changed the world of film; among the younger directors influenced by him are Pedro Almod
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Caixa Forum, 6-8 Av. Marquès de Comillas, 08038 Barcelona. Tel. +34 934 768 600, www.obrasocial.lacaixa.es
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Fellini, la Grande Parade
Caixa Forum, 6-8 Av. Marquès de Comillas, 08038 Barcelona. Tel. +34 934 768 600, www.obrasocial.lacaixa.es