Hansel and Gretel / The Three Billygoats Gruff.
13-28 Aug 2005. This double bill of puppet magic first features Hansel and Gretel, the tale of two kids abandoned in a dark forest who have a bone-chilling encounter with a flesh-eating witch who lives in a rather appetising Gingerbread house. 'The Three Billygoats Gruff tells the story of a family of goats who, having eaten all the grass on their side of a fast-flowing river, must cross a bridge to reach the lush pasture on the other side. But to their misfortunate, the bridge is protected by a hungry troll... A highly recommended treat for all the family.
Admission: Children, 9; OAPs and students, 10; adults 12.50
General Info
Lambert Puppet Theatre, Clifton Mews, Monkstown, Co. Dublin
Tel: +353(0)12800974.
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Hansel and Gretel / The Three Billygoats Gruff.
Lambert Puppet Theatre, Clifton Mews, Monkstown, Co. Dublin Tel: +353(0)12800974.