26 Nov 2005-26 Feb 2006. The Joan Mir Foundation presents this history of collage From Picasso to Rauschenberg with works selected by Diane Waldman, former senior curator and deputy director of the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Twentieth century art, and particularly avant-garde art, could conceivably be defined as collage, representing the fractured, fragmented nature of pluralist modern society. Almost a century ago, the first works using collage represented a major turning point in the evolution of Cubism. It is uncertain whether Picasso or Braque invented the technique in order to differentiate perceived depth and surface flatness in their paintings. However, collage in its various manifestations, from papier coll to photomontage and assemblage, has become an art form in itself, and this exhibition focuses on the pioneers in each of its phases Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Boccioni, Ernst, Cornell, Schwitters and Rauschenberg as well as featuring Joan Mirs own use of collage in his sculpture and painting. General ticket 7.20, concessions 5. Collage Exhibition 4, concessions 3. Tues-Sat 10.00-19.00, Sun 10.00-14.30.

General Info

Address The Fondaci Joan Mir is in the Parc de Montjuc, 08038 Barcelona. By bus: 50 from Trinitat nova, 55 from Pl. Catalana. Funicular de Montjuc (Metro Parallel). Tel. +34 934439470 fjmiro@bcn.fjmiro.es

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Masters of Collage.

The Fondaci Joan Mir is in the Parc de Montjuc, 08038 Barcelona. By bus: 50 from Trinitat nova, 55 from Pl. Catalana. Funicular de Montjuc (Metro Parallel). Tel. +34 934439470 fjmiro@bcn.fjmiro.es

Wanted in Europe
Wanted in Europe
Wanted in Europe, part of the Wanted Worldwide network, is a website in English for expatriates in Europe established in 2006. We cover Europe's news stories that may be of interest to English speaking residents along with tourists as well. Our publication also offers classifieds, photos, information on events, museums, churches, galleries, exhibits, fashion, food, and local travel.
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