4-5 Dec 2006. Concert performances of Mozarts last work, Requiem, are to be held in venues across the capital to mark the anniversary of the great composers death on 5 Dec 1791 at the age of 35 and the culmination of the Mozart 250 year in Vienna. On 4 Dec at the Kalvarienbergkirche the Requiem will be accompanied by Gregorian chants, with the TU Orchestra conducted by Andreas Fellner and the WU Vienna Choir featuring soprano Claudia Chmelar, alto Katrin Auzinger, tenor Robert Maszl and bass Michael Schober. Fabio Mussi conducts the Vienna symphony orchestra in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein on 5 Dec in a double performance featuring Mozarts Requiem plus Attempt at a Requiem by German composer Karl Amadeus Hartmann, who died on 5 December 1963. Other performances on 5 Dec include a concert by the Mozart Collegium Wien at St Stephens Cathedral, where Mozarts funeral was held, and a rendition of the Requiem at St Michaels Church by the Capella Archangeli accompanied by liturgical dance performed by the Annalies Preisig dance company from Zurich. The Vienna Philharmonic directed by Christian Thielemann accompanies an exceptional line-up of stars performing the Requiem at the State Opera House at 19.30 on 5 Dec. Admission various.

General Info

Address The Kalvarienbergkirche is at 3 St. Bartholomusplatz, 1170 Wien. By U-bahn U6 to Alser Strae. By S-bahn 9 & 43 to Elterleinplatz. Tel. +43 1 58801-40111 mozartrequiem@gmx.at

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Mozarts Requiem.

The Kalvarienbergkirche is at 3 St. Bartholomusplatz, 1170 Wien. By U-bahn U6 to Alser Strae. By S-bahn 9 & 43 to Elterleinplatz. Tel. +43 1 58801-40111 mozartrequiem@gmx.at

Wanted in Europe
Wanted in Europe
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