3 June-17 Sept. ARKEN’s outdoor summer exhibition involves a series of site-specific artworks based on the landscape surrounding the museum, by Danish artists Nanna Debois Buhl and Tue Greenfort.
The artists have been invited by ARKEN to examine the ever-changing role of nature and the human impact on the natural world, with a particular focus on the museum's home: a man-made island created in 2014 as part of Køge Bay Beach Park.
The exhibition includes nature-inspired photographic installations by Buhl and cast-concrete horseshoe crabs on the lagoon shore by Greenfort. There is also a summer programme of parallel events such as lectures, art walks and "Family Sundays".
Tues-Sun 10.00-17.00. Wed 10.00-21.00
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ARKEN - Museum of Modern Art, Skovvej 100, tel. (+45)43540222.