Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival: Artweeks
8 - 31 May 2010. Once a year, artists and craftspeople in Oxfordshire fling open their studio doors and allow the public to observe them at work. As the majority of artists tend to work in isolated environments, this is a terrific opportunity to experience the creative process at first hand. In addition to the 474 exhibitions on show during the festival, the artists will discuss their work practices and demonstrate their skills. Adventurous spectators are encouraged to try their hand at crafts which include sculpture, ceramics, furniture, glass, mosaics, jewellery, photography and painting.
General Info
Oxford Artweeks, PO Box 559, Abingdon, OX14 9EF. Tel. +44 (0)1 865 865596
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Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival: Artweeks
Oxford Artweeks, PO Box 559, Abingdon, OX14 9EF. Tel. +44 (0)1 865 865596 www.artweeks.org