Philipp Franck: From Taunus to Wannsee
2 September - 16 January 2011. Taunus to Wannsee is the title of an exhibition dedicated to Philipp Franck (1860-1944), one of Germany's most prominent Impressionists. Franck spent his life immersed in artistic education - both learning and teaching.
In his youth he studied under artists Heinrich Hasselhorst, Eduard von Steinle and Anton Burger, later studying under Eduard von Gebhardt and Eugen D
General Info
Bröhan-Museum, State museum for Art Nouveau, Schloßstraße 1a,14059 Berlin, tel. +49 (0)30326 90600.
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Philipp Franck: From Taunus to Wannsee
Bröhan-Museum, State museum for Art Nouveau, Schloßstraße 1a,14059 Berlin, tel. +49 (0)30326 90600.