Photorealism: 50 years of Hyperrealistic Painting
30 June-25 Sept. The Musée d'Ixelles presents an exhibition highlighting the Photorealism movement which developed in the US in the late 1960s.
Photorealism came in the aftermath of Pop Art and its painters portrayed, and criticised, American consumer culture in a hyper-realistic photographic style.
The exhibition includes early works by Photorealist pioneers such as Ralph Goings as well as more modern paintings by Tjalf Sparnaay, Robert Gniewek and Anthony Brunelli.
Tues-Sun 09.30-17.00. Mon closed.
General Info
Musée d'Ixelles, Rue Jean Van Volsem, tel. 025156422.
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Photorealism: 50 years of Hyperrealistic Painting
Musée d'Ixelles, Rue Jean Van Volsem, tel. 025156422.