Silke Wagner. The Reopening of the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein.
5 July-17 Aug 2008. For the first exhibition of the reopened NBK the new director Marius Babias has chosen the German artist Silke Wagner. Wagner displays some of her sculptures and neon works that refer to the new social movements and link them to artistic questions. Her works vary in formal and thematic aspects but the social, political and ecological challenges of our time are the recurring themes. Through action she transports political agitation, functionality and enlightenment into an artistic context.
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Silke Wagner. The Reopening of the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein.
NBK Neuer Berlin Kunstverein. Chausseestrasse 128/129, Berlin, tel. 0049-30-2807020. Tue-Sun 12.00-18.00, Thu 12.00-20.00.