15 November 2009 - 31 January 2010. This production by the Children's Ensemble is loosely adapted from the fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen and is aimed at a younger audience. The magical world of the Snow Queen has been set in more modern surroundings, and the story revolves around Leyla who must free her friend Kay from the Snow Queen's spell. While the show is ably accompanied by music and stunning visuals, it should be noted that a basic knowledge of the German language is required to fully appreciate the production.
Tickets available from the box office on +49 30 2326 2326 or via the website: www.friedrichstadtpalast.de
General Info
Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin, Friedrichstraße 107, 10117 Berlin Mitte
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The Snow Queen
Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin, Friedrichstraße 107, 10117 Berlin Mitte