Until 25 August 2005. The Casa Encendida summer show presents eight productions from Catalonia and Madrid, featuring performances, comedy and improvisation. The fun and varied programme features Italian artist Antonio Tagliarini with his individual performance of Provisional Title: Untitled, a mini tragicomedy, which according to its author revolves around an obsessive idea that everything is at once the truth and a lie, reality and pretence. Tagliarini has worked in both Europe and America on theatre and dance productions. As for the lions share of the shows, his presence has the backing of artist Simona Levi, director of the Festival InMotion (Barcelona). Maral Kekejian, new manager of Stage Arts at the Caja Madrid centre says: "The programme is relaxed, with fresh new and laid-back national productions.
Admission and timetable: see website
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Verano Escnico.
Casa Encendida, Ronda de Valencia 2, Madrid Metro: Embajadores, Tel. +34 (0)915063884.