Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Barcelona Yellow pages

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

General advice on doing business in Catalonia for American companies.
Barcelona Yellow pages

British Chamber of Commerce in Spain

Local networking organisation for businesses.
Barcelona Yellow pages

German Spanish Business Club

Business contacts forum with 100 active members. They organise company-visits, excursions, speeches and meetings.
Barcelona Yellow pages

Barcelona Chamber of Commerce

Camara de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion Barcelona. Listings of all member companies. Services for business.
Berlin Yellow pages

British Chamber of Commerce

The BCCG association promotes trade between Germany and the United Kingdom and networking between their business members.
Berlin Yellow pages

American Chamber of Commerce in Germany

AmCham Berlin aims to promote trade, investment and unrestricted competition between the United States and Germany.
Brussels Yellow pages

Greener Fields S.P.R.L.

We provide consultancy and direct representation for both Filipino expats , NGOs and skilled workers in European union and European expats in the Philippines.


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