Sun, 30 March 2025
Europe's news in English
Brussels Yellow pages

Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate

Museum dedicated to the origins and production process of chocolate. Chocolate clothes and sculptures on display as well as demonstrations and the possibility to sample various chocolates.
Paris Yellow pages

Musee National Picasso

Metro: Saint-Paul/Saint-Sebastien Froissart/Chemin Vert
Paris Yellow pages

Musee du Louvre

Musee du Louvre houses 35000 works of art drawn from eight departments, displayed in over 60000 m2. Have a look on the web site in order to know the opening hours, the admission prices and everything...
Barcelona Yellow pages

La Sagrada Familia

Visit the temple created by Gaudi. The building also houses a museum detailing the history and development of the Sagrada Familia.
Berlin Yellow pages

New National Gallery

The Neue Nationalgalerie houses a collection of modern art from the 20th century, but also late 19th century artists such as Munch. Cubism, Expressionism, the Bauhaus and Surrealism are represented he...
Tiergarten neighborhood Museums in Tiergarten neighborhood
Dublin Yellow pages

National Archives of Ireland

Ireland's largest and most esteemed institution with responsibility for the preservaton and public availability of archives; it's earliest records date from the 14th century.
Brussels Yellow pages

Museum of Belgian Brewers

Everything you ever wanted to know about the history of Belgian beer with special rooms on the leading technologies in beer brewing.
Paris Yellow pages

Musee Maillol

Works by Maillol: drawings, engravings, paintings, sculpture, decorative art, original plaster and terracota works as well as the private collection of Mrs. Dina Vierny.
Paris Yellow pages

Musee de la Musique

ver 900 instruments from the Renaissaince to the end of the 19th century.
Barcelona Yellow pages

Joan Miro Foundation

The Fundacion Joan Miro houses a permanent collection of paintings, tapestries and sculptures. A set of black and white lithographs are also on display known as his Barcelona Series.
Berlin Yellow pages

Museum of European Cultures

The Museum Europaischer Kulturen hosts temporary exhibitions that reflect European culture from the 18th century to the modern day.
Amsterdam Yellow pages

Stedelijk Museum

Large collection of modern art: international painting and sculptures, graphics and drawings, applied art, industrial design, posters and photos. The majority of the collection consists of works after...


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